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Inspiring climate stories


This video series brings together voices from the Global North and South, creating intimate conversations that highlight the shared impact of climate change and actions across diverse backgrounds. The stories were filmed via Zoom during April and May 2023. Each conversation was edited to capture the essence of the storytellers' experiences, backgrounds and climate activism.

Does individual climate action matter?

with Laura & Fardosa

Featuring two young climate activists from Kenya and Scotland share their stories and inspirations on how they envision and work towards the world they want to live in. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Laura Young Laura Young is an award-winning climate activist, environmental scientist, sustainability educator, and ethical influencer. She is currently working on her PhD in Scotland, while also working with Parliament to ban single-use vapes. You can follow her campaigns by following her on Instagram or Youtube at @lesswastelaura Fardosa Mustafa Fardosa Mustafa is Co-Founder and CEO of RegisTree and is a qualified Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over 4 years of experience across the legal and non-governmental organisation spaces. She has experience in corporate law, legal research and writing, project management and client and stakeholder management. Having studied both locally and internationally and with a Master’s degree in African Sustainable Communities, she has developed a passion for environmental law and sustainable development. She relishes the challenge of using her legal and climate justice expertise to inform policy changes and decision-making both locally and globally.

How to change the world?

with Prachi & Christian

Featuring Prachi, founder of Cool the Globe, and Christian, founder of Pawprint discussing how to change the world. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Christian Arno: Christian Arno is an entrepreneur and the founder of Pawprint based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Christian founded Pawprint in 2020 to use technology to make it easy for individuals and businesses to track their carbon emissions and take action to reduce them. In addition to his work with Pawprint, Arno is also a passionate advocate for sustainable living and actively takes measures in his daily life to reduce his carbon footprint. He is on a mission to empower people to do their bit to fight climate change. Prachi Shevgaonkar: Prachi Shevgaonkar is a youth changemaker in India who is dedicated to environmental sustainability and climate action. She is the founder of Cool The Globe. Her dream is to integrate climate action into the lives of one billion citizens so that together we can cool the globe. In 2021, Prachi became the first Indian to be named to the advisory board of the climate leadership coalition, alongside Esko Aho, former Prime Minister of Finland. Prachi is on a mission to make climate action easy, accessible and measurable to citizens and organisations. Prachi spent a year traveling across India, covering stories of youth, farmers, and waste-picker communities, to understand the impact of climate change in day-to-day lives of people. She has been mobilising citizens to tackle climate change through technology, advocacy and grassroots action. She firmly believes that when ordinary citizens come together, miracles can happen.

Renewable energy innovation

with Tobias & Geofrey

Featuring Geofrey from Zambia and Tobias from Germany share and explore the journey they have taken in the renewable energy space. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Global collaboration is key in the transition to net-zero, which is why Turbine Education created this Global Climate Stories series between passionate change makers from all around the world. This series shares meaningful, raw and engaging stories on the realities of climate impacts and the action being taken by everyday people. These organic conversations are between two people who had never met until this video call, but had a common interest to connect on. Renewable energy plays a key role in the transition to net-zero. Scientists and engineers around the world are coming up with innovative ways to provide clean energy. With an ever growing sector there has been slow adaptation and lack of awareness of some of these technologies by consumers. Further complicated by energy storage, component storage and raw energy outputs the technology then becomes more expensive when compared to traditional fossil fuels. The main purpose of this conversation is to understand some of your work and how it is adding from this field. Geofrey Njovu Geofrey Njovu is a DPhil student in Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford University. Coming from Africa to the UK to study chemistry, he was motivated to come up with better energy solutions by witnessing the lack of reliable energy sources available in his home country of Zambia. Tobias Hofmeister Tobias Hofmeister is a Bio-inspired renewable energy engineer | Deep tech designer for hydrogen applications | Design Thinker and bio-feedback enthusiast for flow, self-actualisation and peak experiences.

Sphere of influence

with Heeta & Thomas

Featuring Heeta a climate educator from India and Thomas, a surfing environmentalist from Finland/UK, chat about goats and cats and how they take climate action in their sphere of influence. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Global collaboration is key in the transition to net-zero, which is why Turbine Education created this Global Climate Stories series between passionate changemakers from all around the world. This series shares meaningful, raw and engaging stories on the realities of climate impacts and the action being taken by everyday people. These organic conversations are between two people who had never met until this video call, but had a common interest to connect on. Heeta Lakhani: Heeta Lakhani is a climate educator and entrepreneur dedicated to empowering vulnerable groups in intergovernmental decision-making and taking climate action. As Founder & Director of the ClimAct Foundation and with a Masters in Environmental Studies from TERI University, she is dedicated to nurturing change-makers who combat the climate crisis with knowledge-based action. Heeta was introduced to the United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC) process at COP21 in 2015 and served as the Global Focal Point for YOUNGO during 2020 & 2021, playing a pivotal role in elevating youth voices on the global stage. She co-founded the Youth Negotiators Academy in 2022, to promote inclusivity in national delegations by training youth to be effective negotiators in the UN intergovernmental processes. @heetalakhani1250 Thomas Joutsikoski: Thomas Joutsikoski is a Finnish and British environmentalist and co-founder of the Goat Surf Club, which focuses on creating a series of documentaries that bring awareness to environmental issues around the world and promoting uplifting stories about sustainability efforts worldwide. Thomas explains how surfing often places him at the frontline of climate issues, such as dying reefs, water pollution and higher sea levels. To take action in his sphere of influence he and the Goat Surf Club create documentaries to uplift inspiring work on climate mitigation.

Climate justice

with Elena & Yudi

Featuring Yudi from Indonesia and Elena from the UK share their stories of climate impacts and the actions they are taking to make systematic change. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Wahyudi (Yudi) Iskandar Yudi is the coordinator of Extinction Rebellion - Indonesia. As a group, they organise different activities to raise awareness of how climate change is affecting the most vulnerable people, and they hope can influence policymakers to make necessary changes towards mitigation and adaptation programs. Yudi was born and raised in Indonesia. His interest in climate change started very early because, by the age of 20, he was already attending different national and international events on climate change. He is keen on raising the voice of the global south, especially for the most affected people to be heard globally. He said that “We are the frontline of the climate crisis, we have a lot of challenges caused by it”. @jendelabelakang4840 Elena Dauster Elena lives in the UK where she has been involved with “Just Stop Oil”, a climate activists movement operating in the UK. and currently studying Geophysics and Meteorology. While growing up she realised how people were polluting the environment with plastics, and her interest in nature persisted which led her to pursue her current degree, but now she has double feelings about what she has been taught because she said that the degree emphasises much on how to exploit the natural resources, which exacerbate the carbon emissions.

Can you be an ethical consumer?

with Kelly & Carolina

Featuring Kelly and Carolina share their stories on how they came to leave traditional jobs they loved to help shape the society they want to live in. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Carolina Taboada Carolina Taboada, co-founder of Ecologics from Lima, Peru. She has her post graduate degree from UCLA Extention in Circular Economy. She is an animal lover and passionate and the environment. Kelly Wright Kelly Wright, Founder of The Refillery and winner of Citi Micro-entrepreneur award for sustainability 2020 and Regional winner of GBEA Business For Good Category.

Indigenous knowledge

with Blessing & Nina

Featuring wo people working in climate change adaptation, one from Zimbabwe and one from Croatia. They share their stories on indigenous ways of knowing and how that can help create climate resilience. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Blessing Mucherera is a PhD Researcher in Human Geography (Water Cultures) from Zimbabwe, currently working on a research project in the UK. This project is on how archival research recovers flood experiences from past to present, and connecting them to existing ones through semi-structured interviews, and linking them to how at-risk communities understand them through serious gaming. @blessmuchie Nina Pušić is a LL.M. Climate Law and a Export Finance Climate Strategist from Croatia. Nina has worked in the environmental sector ranging from grassroots NGOs to the United Nations, she strives to use her expertise to advance the sustainable development goals and strengthen international environmental law in the face of the world's greatest multilateral challenge: climate change.

Connecting to nature

with Joyce & Mercedes

Featuring two young people, one in Kenya and one in the UK, share their surprising stories of connection to nature and how they are taking action to plant seeds for the future. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Joyce Koech is a founder of Blue Earth Organization is a youth-led environmental organisation based in Mombasa, Kenya. BEO was formed when a group of young people recognised their concerns of how climate change, plastic and air pollution and the destruction of wild places was affecting their home. They also hold a great concern for the disconnect between youth and the environment. They have planted more than 20,000 mangrove seedlings so far. @ blue_earth_organization Aoife Mercedes Rodriguez Uruchurtu is a Latine organiser, activist, and movement builder. ​​​​Their journey with activism started in 2019, joining FFF and the Youth Strikers for Climate across the UK, first in Scotland and then in England. The protests they organised reached upwards of 20,000 attendees, later reaching hundreds of thousands during the COP26, where they acted as a spokesperson and youngest member of the COP26 Coalition Coordinating Committee. In advance of the COP26, SOS-UK contracted them as an Event Coordinator for Mock COP26, where they engaged 800+ young people from 140 countries to participate in a virtual youth climate conference. During this time, they were also campaigning with Teach the Future, which has since had a first reading of their parliamentary bill to integrate climate education into the curriculum. While Mercedes has featured prominently in the media, from the local to the international, stated as one of Forbes' "100 UK Leading Environmentalists (Who Happen To Be Women)" (though they no longer identify as such), their efforts centre now on the cooperative movement. They are focused on changing material realities, having co-founded Breathe in 2021, which focused on community organising around climate justice, and most recently established FNDT, in essence, a cooperative of cooperatives.

Plant-based parents

with Noon & Mariel

Featuring two parents of young kids, one from Australia and one from Peru, discuss plant-based diets and raising environmentally-conscious children. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Noon van der Silk is a programmer and newly a father passionate about climate action. Originally from Australia, he now works in programming in the environmental sector in Scotland. Mariel Vera moved from teaching to becoming a nutritionist to help educate people on health. She lives and works in Peru driven by her desire to foster a healthy for her children.

Is this worth changing your life for?

with Kiara & Douglas

Featuring two youth activists chat about their driving force to make change. Kiara and Douglas share their perspectives from Peru and Scotland. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Kiara Ordonez Kiara Ordonez is a Geographic Information Systems Analyst at Columbia Climate School and an activist with Fridays for Future Peru. #FridaysForFuture is a youth-led and -organised movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. Douglas Rogers Douglas Rogers is a writer and activist.

Regenerative farming

with Mollie & Obed

Featuring two regenerative farmers, one from California/Texas and one from Costa Rica, discuss inspiring solutions to the world's carbon challenges with soil, compost, and resilient spirits. Obed Azofeifa Obed Azofeifa is an agricultural science engineer working in management and administration of agroprojects and sustainability, agroecology, regenerative farming. Mollie Engelhart Mollie Engelhart is the Founder, CEO and Executive Chef at the Sage Plant Based Bistro, as well as a regenerative farmer cultivating healthy soil and nutrient-dense foods ay Sow a Hart Farm and Sovereignty Ranch. She is also a board member of the non-profit Kiss The Ground. Sage Plant Based Bistro & Brewery Sage Plant Based Bistro is dedicated to supporting local organic farmers. From their famous Buffalo Cauliflower Wings to their hand tossed pizza and craft brew beers from their brewery. Find a restaurant location near you, order online, and view our menu. @thekindsage

Youth perspectives from the north and south

with Lucie & Dorcas

Featuring two young voices from the North and South chat about their motivation to make change. Lucie and Dorcas share their perspectives from France via Australia, and Ghana. Peak into this conversation between two strangers on two different sides of the world. Lucie de Seguins Pazzis Lucie de Seguins Pazzis is an Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management Student at The University of Edinburgh. Dorcas Apoore Dorcas Apoore is Executive Director at Advocacy for Social Inclusion and Girls Education. Advocacy for Social Inclusion and Girls Education (ASIGE) is a social enterprise that empowers parents to support their daughters' education. They have supported over 400 women and girls in vocational training, producing items such as baskets, bags, African print apparel and lamp sheds. @asigefoundation3160

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